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Final Transitions – Enhancing End of Life Planning

Senior Couple Walking On Beach

Now is the Time to Get Your Ducks in a Row

Financial planning is always important, but becomes crucial during times of transition.  The most significant transition of all deals with a person’s transition at the end of life.

In recent years the health care industry has improved resources and awareness surrounding a person’s end of life care.  Most of us have come to know the term Hospice Care – which is health care designed to give supportive care to people in the final phase of a terminal illness and focus on comfort and quality of life, rather than cure. The goal is to enable patients to be comfortable and free of pain, so that they live each day as fully as possible.

In the same way that health care transitions in the final months of life, so too does financial planning.  If you or a loved one is going through this phase of life, here are a few things to consider:

Many of these items can be taken care of now, when everyone is feeling good (and of sound mind), before reaching the final phase of life.  A good adviser will act as both a coach and an advocate, guiding and supporting you through the process.  Handling these issues before you are forced to worry about them can allow you to spend final days visiting your loved one, reminiscing, filling them with love, and saying your goodbyes.  As you enter your final days, know that your legacy lives on in the love that you have shared.



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