Guided Hike: Forest Exploration Center
Thursday, June 27th | 2:00-4:00pm
1800 Forest Exploration Drive
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213
Join us for a guided hike with the Shakespeare team! The hike will be approximately 1 hour and 1-2 miles long. All fitness levels are welcome to attend.
Learn the long history of the property, from grazing, logging, and industrial use to revitalization as a beloved and unique urban hardwood forest. Explore the trees of the property and their forest management practices, focusing on sustainability and climate adaptive measures. A special refreshment will be provided tied to the timber-use history of this land!
Lead By:
Tom Gaertner, FEC Board President & Mike Sieger, Department of Natural Resources Forester
There is no cost to park or attend. Water and snacks will be provided.
Note: There are no bathrooms onsite. Please plan accordingly.
Rain Date: July 18th
Find directions and learn more about Forest Exploration Center: forestexplorationcenter.org/