Planning for a Career Change
You have had a successful career and are doing well financially, but you’ve reached a point in your life where you want to try something new, or just need a change of pace. You have thought about pursuing work that is more meaningful, less stressful and provides more flexibility than what your current career does.
As you consider this life transition, we will help you answer the following questions:
- Can I afford to quit my career job and pursue a different line of work?
- What is the financial impact if I work an additional year or two before making the change?
- What are my options regarding health insurance?
- What benefits will I give up when I leave my job?
- How will my career change financially affect my loved ones?
- How am I affected financially if this change doesn't work out?
- Do I need to adjust my lifestyle to account for reduced income?
- Do I need to develop new skills or experience before I pursue this change?
We will help you to understand the issues that go with this major life transition, ensuring you are fully prepared before you quit your “day job”. We look at this life transition holistically, financially, emotionally and in terms of career satisfaction. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum. A career shift impacts every part of your life and it’s important to understand it within this larger context.

Shakespeare Wealth Management, LLC
N22 W27847 Edgewater Drive
Suite 101
Pewaukee, WI 53072-5260